. . .

Is the motion of a PHOTON across Time-Space, greater than " c " ?

Does " RELATIVITY " have a foundation, a cause that can be found ?

As spinning particles move faster through Space and less through Time, they also extend more across Time and less across Space, and so the SPIN AXIS will tilt more across the dimension of time and less across space. With the spin extending across both space and time, naturally this will create a four dimensional corkscrew like structure. Thus the corkscrew like structure, in combination with Photons being released in Quanta at a specific rate, will cause wave-like interference patterns under certain circumstances, since one particles path across Time-Space will inhibit other once possible paths, yet not interfere with the remaining paths. The Wave pattern created by interference and non- interference, will depend on the shape or wavelength of the corkscrew structure of the particle, the rate of release of the photons, and the angles at which the particles are attempting to cross paths. We will get into the details a little later on as to why the title " Particle-Wave Duality ", has remained in the books rather than being replaced with the proper description of " Particle-Events ", so hang in there.

Particle Wave Duality

FIG. # 7

Along with the existence of continuous linear motion " c ", there is also the continuous angular motion, or spin. Particles may also have more than one angular axes. But this does not have to be permanent. In the case of photons, one continuous angular motion has been converted back into linear motion. When particles break down into two photons, it is a case in which two opposite angular motions are converted into two opposite linear motions, one for each photon. One particle has now been converted into two photons moving through space.

For instance, if a massive Meson decays and splits into two massless photons, the Meson will have lost two opposite angular motion axes that combined are in line with the observers, and each angular motion lost has now been converted to linear motion propelling each photon through the space dimension at " c " speed, meaning the speed of light. This conversion from angular motion to linear motion also works in the opposite direction. So to start the creation of a photon energy packet, one starts with an angular motion which is then converted into linear motion causing the photon to be released, this is then followed by the opposite conversion when the photon reaches its destination.

This action which may be repeated, linear "
 c " motion to angular motion and back to linear " c " motion, implies that the body which has the spatial angular motion, also must be gaining or losing " c " motion as the photon is received by it, or released from it. As mentioned on the previous page, shifting of the particles axis across Time-Space, is what allows particles to gain more Holistic motion yet retain the same spatial motion. One particle may therefore receive more than one photon, and at a later date, release more than one photon, one after the other, as the axis is returned to its original state.

When we measure the speed of motion of a photon, we include both time and space in our measurement. But you have to understand that this is a relativistic measurement. It is our own motion through time and our measurement of space that we use to make this measurement.  We are measuring the speed of the photon relative to ourselves. Taking this relative measuring limitation into account, one must ask whether Photons move through the dimension of time as well as through the dimension of space, meaning, do they stand still in time as they move across space, or do they move across the Time dimension as well, and if so, how fast.

Photons, as mentioned before, move through space at the " c " speed. But since we can only claim this from a relative point of view taken by the observer with his clock ticking and his specific ruler length, it is to be questioned whether or not photons travel faster than " c " speed in Time-Space. I say the actual speed of a photon is (c * the square root of two). If correct, this means that photons travel even faster than the speed of our limited maximum speed of motion through the Time-Space dimensions.

FIG. # 8

In the Fig. 8 diagram above, at first the Meson is motionless in space and its entire " c " speed motion is through the time dimension. If the particle then decays and splits in two, the two energy packets, photons, will also have additional motion in opposite spatial directions each traveling at " c " speed. The total outcome would therefore be the motion of c * 1.414213....(c * the square root of two) for each photon.

Although it isnot, if the motion of a photon was entirely through space alone, it would be 424,264 km per second !

On the right side of Fig. 8, I have a photon traveling from origin point 'O', to the mirror and back to the same place in space being destination 'D' The total spatial distance back and forth is 300,000 km, and the time taken for a photon to travel across this distance, is 1 second. If you consider time units to be the same as space units, the total distance for the photon to travel from the origin 'O' to the destination 'D' in Time-Space would be 424,264 (km). This verifies the first assumption since the photon would therefore have to travel with the motion of  c * 1.414213......to complete this distance of 424,264 (km) across Time - Space in the observers one second time period.  

Note the angle of reflection of the light off of the mirror. Looks logical does it not. If the motion of the Photons across Time was excluded, this would mean that the photons would be heading directly towards the mirror, and rather than reflect off of the mirror as shown in Fig. #8, they would have to do a complete reversal after making contact with the mirror.     Is this possible ?

To verify the previous example of the distance the light travels across Time-Space in the stationary observers 1 second time period, let's consider the Origin / Destination (OD) and the mirror to be at the opposite ends of a very long space ship that is 75,000 km in length, and that the space ship is in motion across space at a velocity of 260,000 km per second.


Based on the above two equations, since the space ship is traveling at the (v)elocity of 260,000 km per second, the distance between OD and the mirror, and therefore the spatial length of the space ship itself, will shrink from 75,000 km to 37,500 km, and also a time period of 1 second will be perceived as being only 0.5 of a second from the travelers point of view onboard the space ship. The following diagram shows the path of the photon that is traveling at that motion of  c * 1.414213.... for the one second time period, and also shown is the Space Ship at its new reduced length.


fig #9 fig #10

In Fig. # 9, the photon leaves point 'O' at the back end of the space ship, and reaches the mirror at the opposite end, at a distance of 280,000 km from the (O)rigin. It then reflects back to the new (D)estination which is 260,000 km from the (O)rigin. Distance 'a' = 395,844 (km) and distance 'b' = 28,420 (km)Once again a + b = 424,264 (km) just as in the previous example. The difference is that the photon has moved in the forward direction significantly more than in the opposite, yet the total Time-Space distance, that we measure in (km)s for the moment, is still the same.

In Fig. # 10, the mirror has been placed on the opposite end of the space ship. Here the photon leaves point 'O' and reaches the mirror in motion at a distance of only 20,000 km from the (O)rigin, then reflects back to the new (D)estination which is 260,000 km from the (O)rigin.  Distance 'a' = 395,844 (km) and distance 'b' = 28,420 (km)  Once again a + b = 424,264 (km).

In the above examples, if the motion of the space ship itself is disregarded, from the travelers point of view the light has traveled 150,000 km ( 75,000 km * 2 ) back and forth from end to end of the space ship since he is unaware of the fact that the length of his Space Ship has contracted to half of its original length, and all this done in a 1/2 a second from the travelers point of view since his clock is now running at 1/2 speed...150,000 km per  0.5 sec. = 300,000 km per 1 sec., meaning that despite the fact that the space ship is in motion, either way of looking at the situation, the speed of the light is still the consistent 300,000 km per 1 sec.speed across space. To a stationary observer, in both Fig. #9 and Fig. #10 cases, the light also appears to have traveled across a total of 300,000 km in 1 second, and so once again the consistent speed of light is measured.

As I stated earlier on, because of the Big Bang, there is no such a thing as truly being spatially stationary in space, therefore, what we perceive as 1 foot is NOT actually one foot, and what we perceive to be 1 second, is NOT actually one second. But we have defined the one foot and the one second, and with these we have defined the speed of light, all done here on planet earth as it is on the move. The faster earth moves across space, the more the equipment we use to measure time and space, changes, but they change together such that we are unaware of such changes. Most importantly, it is to be noted that these changes will only maintain the setting required to force the measurement of light to still seem to be isotropic rather than the light itself having magic properties that change to adapt to a new moving frame of reference .

And so, if you lived on a planet that was in motion through space orbiting its sun at 260,000 km per second at one part of its year, and was almost at a stand still at another part of the year, you will still have the same ASSUMED consistent bi-directional measurement of the speed of light, but what I mean by this is that I am only saying that it will still pass all theMichelson-Morley tests.

The point I am making, is that " RELATIVITY " is simply a requirement needed to make the existence of variables possible, and that " RELATIVITY " is not to be misinterpreted such that everyone believes that relativity simply applies to all situations without a foundation or explanation for such a function. This includes situations in which light is measured on a measurement platform that is set moving at different velocities to perform tests of light speed measurement comparisons at these different velocities. The concept known as " RELATIVITY " is not to be included as the one and only contributing factor behind light measurements being Isotropic, but that for every effect, such as " RELATIVITY " , there is a cause behind it, just as we shall soon see on the upcoming pages.

In other words, as the Space Ship travels at different velocities, the traveler inside will still measure the round trip of light within his ship, to occur at the speed of light ( 300,000 km per second ) from his point of view. But at these different velocities, there is still a variation of how long it takes for the light to go in one direction from end to end compared to the time taken for the light to go in the opposite direction from end to end. Observing our Space Ship example above, and doing so from a sound foundation, it is clear that the time period for light to travel from end to end of the Space Ship in one direction, is not the same as it is in the opposite direction, due to the Space Ship being in motion across space itself. If, as " RELATIVITY " predicts, the traveler had clocks positioned at the opposite ends of his Space Ship and they are used to determine the two light travel time periods, and the two periods turn out to be the same, hence light speed seems to be the same in either direction, then there is a reason for this that has to be properly determined. Both cases can not be entirely correct.

One of the two cases, being the one which does have the obvious foundation, must involve additional circumstances since both cases can not be true at the same time. Constantly including the " RELATIVITY " in the picture in a wrongful manner, giving the impression that light will travel from end to end of the Space Ship in equal time periods at any velocity, will continue the ongoing errors in understanding, will continue to give the impression that two or more wrongs can make a right, and continue an ongoing going in circles while attempting to understand " RELATIVITY " in the first place.

By maintaining the ASSUMPTION that Relativity is a final and real but mysterious rule of some kind, this will ensure that the foundation that is responsible for creating the Relative conditions, will constantly be kept hidden. To expose the foundation or cause of each separate case of " RELATIVITY ", the appropriate step by step procedure must be followed such that nothing will be overlooked, such that no conclusions are drawn prior to having facts to support them.

Unfortunately, many of today's Physicists are quite happy and willing to accept an EFFECT, that has no CAUSE. In other words they say that Relativity exists, but at the same time, they are happy to say that there is  NO  cause of it. Therefore, if you choose not to also support incompleteness, and guard incompleteness with your life, then you are not one of them, you are excluded, you are less than them, to many, you are simply an inferior being that is not to be listened to, and all this prior to them having studied your ideas in detail, or perhaps studied them at all.   Such behavior may sound ridiculous, but Arthur Schopenhuer was well aware of it.   Let's carry on with the step by step approach instead.

The next step, part three of 


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